General Information/Biographical

(Anything in quotes was taken from my interview in 1998 with Mr. Arquette)

Birthdate: September 8, 1971

Birthplace: Winchester , VA

High School attended: Fairfax in LA

Former Hobbies/Talents: break dancing, graffiti

Hobbies now: "Work oriented, the band, like a working hobby, painting, painting a lot, I go through phases where I paint a lot and then I doesntt, I try to get to do some sports, basketball, golf, tennis or something once in a while."

Fav clothes: (since i think we've all noticed he's quite a fashionable male) "(laughter) Well I like shoes in general but I like to switch my clothes a lot, I like to dress in theme or sort of costumes, or like characters, so ummm i couldnt just piece of article of clothing, umm lemme see I have a hat that my mom made me thats pretty neat."

Best qualities in a person: "Someone's whose a caring person, nice person, I like people who have good senses of humor, and sort of um you know don't let everything get em down too much."

Most interesting person he's ever met: "David Bowie! When Rosanna was doing a film called the Linguini Incident."

Fav Places: "I like Europe. All over europe cause it's so different everywhere you go, so many different countries. but i like Indonesia too, and Bali, Bali is B-A-L-I; I'm not a very good speller." (This part of the interview is sort of, funny..)

Influences in music; "Led zepplin... We have a lot of different influences, Led zepplin, Beatles, just sorta 60's psychedelic rock.